fischer ferritscope-菲希尔铁素体分析仪
Chemical, energy and processing plants are often subjectto heat, aggressive media and high pressure. Thesecircumstances demand steel with high corrosion and acid resistance that are resilient even at high temperatures.If the ferrite content is too low, then the weldedmaterial is susceptible to hot-cracking, if the ferrite contentis too high, the toughness, ductility as well as thecorrosion resistance of the steel are reduced. For duplexsteel, a ferrite deficit in the area of the weld seam resultsin stress corrosion cracking and reduction in strength.
The FERITSCOPE FMP30 measures the ferrite content in austenitic and duplex steel according to the magnetic induction method. All magnetisable structure sections are measured i. e., in addition to deltaferrite also strain-induced martensite, for example, or other ferritic phases. It is suited for measurements according to the Basler- Standard and according to DIN EN ISO 17655. Areas of application are onsite measurements, e. g. of austenitic platings as well as weld seams in stainless steel pipes, containers, boilers or other products made of austenitic or duplex steel.
奥氏体不锈钢焊缝中δ铁素体的存在会影响焊缝的强韧性、耐腐蚀性及焊接性,工程现场的焊接过程通常借助铁素体含量测定仪来控制δ铁素体的含量。化工设备和石油加工厂通常要承受高温、高压,同时要耐腐蚀。外部环境要求所用钢材即使在高温下也要有足够的耐腐蚀和耐酸性能。如果铁素体含量太低,焊缝受热后容易产生裂纹;如果铁素体含量太高,焊缝将丧失韧性和延展性。对于双相钢,如果铁素体含量太低,焊缝受到张力或发生振动时容易破裂。 FeritScope FMP30根据磁感应方法测量奥氏体钢和双相钢中的铁素体含量。仪器能识别所有的磁性部件,也就是说,除了delta铁素体,还能识别其转化形式马氏体。仪器符合Basler标准和DIN 32514-1标准,适合于现场检测,可以测量奥氏体覆层、不锈钢管道、容器和锅炉焊缝内以及奥氏体钢或双相钢制造的其他产品内的铁素体含量

Calibration / Standards
To obtain comparable measurement results, the instrumentsmust be adjusted or calibrated using standards that can be traced to internationally recognised secondary standards. For this purpose, the IIW (International Institute of Welding, UK) developed secondary standards that have been determined by the TWI (The Welding Institute, UK) according to the method described in DIN EN ISO 8249 and ANSI/AWS A4.2. Helmut Fischer offers certified calibration standard sets that are traceable to the TWI secondary standards for corrective and master calibrations. The standards of the FISCHER calibration standard sets list in addition to the ferrite numbers FN also the % Fe values. Influences including the shape of the part to be measured (strong curvature, thickness of the ferrite-containing coating, etc.) can be taken into account through corrective calibrations with customer-specific calibration standards or through correction factors (included). The normalisation and corrective calibration are stored application-specific in the respective application memory of the instrument
▪ 无损测量奥氏体钢和双相钢内的铁素体含量,
▪ 测量范围:0.1-110 FN 或 0.1-80% Fe
▪ 仪器操作简便.大显示器,高对比度,240x160像素.
▪ USB接口连接PC或打印机.
▪ 机械滑盖保护测量时用不到的按键
▪ 开机后即可测量.自动探头识别.
▪ 通过仪器按钮或PC可实现外部触发测量
▪ 测量完成后有声音提示信号.
▪ 只需一次校准就能满足常用的测量范围0.1-90FN。
▪ 校准用的标准片可追溯到TWI二级标准片,
▪ 也提供客户定制的标准片.
▪ 可调整的仪器自动关机和连续操作时间
▪ 按键可锁定/限制操作模式;
▪ 多种状态显示(例如:电池电压下降时的警示信息)
▪ 多种语言设置.测量单位可切换 WRC-FN 或 %Fe
1. 可储存20,000个测量数据.可储存100个应用程式,可储存4000个数据组
2. 数据组带日期和时间标志.统计功能:平均值、标准偏差、小值、大值和范围
3. 带高斯曲线的直方图显示, 可输入工艺公差极限并计算相应的工艺能力指标Cp和Cpk
1. 连续测量模式下,读数还可以在上下限之间模拟显示
2. 矩阵测量模式下可以进行多点测量,例如:针对预先定义的表面排列.平均测量模式:仅储存多个读数的平均值
3. 区域测量模式:探头提起后储存读数并取平均值
4. 离奇值控制功能可自动过滤错误测量值
5. 可以重写已储存的错误读数
6. 应用程式连接模式:可共享零位和校准信息
7. 通过可选的PC软件MP-Name可为应用程式命名
8. 通过可选的PC软件PC-Datex可将数据导出到Excel表格内.通过可选的PC软件PC-Datacc可将数据导出到Access
9. 电池供电或外接充电器(选配件)